September 23

Authority in the Seat of Rest

How can we have “authority” while being in that place of rest in our lives? How can we function from a restful position when circumstances try to get the best of us? The first item on the agenda is to make a decision to be “in” a place of rest.

For several days before writing this, I watched videos on kingship and what it’s like to sit on a throne while ruling and reigning from that position. Both Mike Parsons and Ian Clayton talk about getting on the “seat of rest.” What does this REALLY mean? Although I’ve been “practicing” getting onto the seat of rest for quite some time, I desired to have a greater understanding of how this can affect me in my daily life. Enter from left stage… the British Monarchy.

Things simply seem to happen at times where something pops up and I think, “Hmmm…. maybe I should take a look at that!” In doing some research for Healing Frequencies Music, I was on YouTube and something about Queen Elizabeth popped up as a suggestion to watch. That got my thinker to working, one thing leading to the next. The suggested video was of her coronation in 1953. So, I watched it. Although it was over two hours long, I was still quite intrigued. With lots of fanfare, crowds lined the streets to have a glimpse at their new queen. Inside Westminster Abbey, the ceremony included symbolism centered around Christian ideals. The entire ceremony focused on Queen Elizabeth as being the anointed one for the position. Does that sound familiar?

At the time, Queen Elizabeth’s coronation was a spectacular event for a couple of reasons. First off, no coronation before that time had ever been televised. The public was given a glimpse of the majority of the ceremony. This made it possible for the entire world to watch! The only part NOT televised was the actual anointing since it was considered an intimate time between the Queen and God. During the anointing, a canopy was placed over her so the cameras couldn’t see how the archbishop conducted that part of the ceremony. Next – for the first time (because it was televised), commentators had the opportunity to explain to the public what was happening throughout the coronation. This included explaining the symbolism of the regalia and crown jewels.

Let’s explore that symbolism for a moment. I’ll list the basic items and provide a quick synopsis of their symbolism. CLICK HERE for the link for further information. CLICK HERE for another website that has a simple explanation of the coronation ceremony and crown jewels.

  • Coronation Chair – It’s known as the St. Edward’s Chair and is an ancient wooden chair that British monarchs sit on during the investiture part of the ceremony. This is where the anointing takes place.
  • Ampulla And Coronation Spoon – used for the anointing. The anthem “Come, Holy Ghost” is recited followed by the music Zadok the Priest by Handel. The anointing is carried out with a golden canopy over the monarchs head since the anointing is considered a very sacred part of the ceremony. Prior to the anointing, the monarch puts on simple white linen clothing with no frills or extra ornamentation.
  • Spurs and Chivalry – the monarch receives a series of ornaments that symbolize the chivalric nature of kingship. For Queen Elizabeth, wrist bands were put on her after she received more robes. This is considered the investing part of the ceremony.
  • The Sword of Offering – The sword symbolizes protection, good, and the punishment of evil.  The sword is then placed on the altar after being presented to the monarch.
  • The Orb – The orb represents the rule of Jesus over the world and is handed to the monarch. After the presentation, the orb is put back on the alter.
  • Ring – The ring represents the monarch’s “marriage” to the nation. It’s presented after the orb and more royal robes.
  • Scepter and Rod – symbolizes the monarch’s role as pastoral carer for her people. It also includes one of the largest diamonds in the world (Cullinan). The scepter has a dove on top that represents the Holy Ghost.
  • St. Edward’s Crown – This crown is only used during a coronation ceremony, where it is placed on the monarch’s head at the moment of coronation. Following the placing of the crown, the words “God save the Queen!” are repeated three times by everyone. Church bells ring, trumpeters play a fanfare, cannons are fired off, anthems are sung, and the crowds generally go wild with excitement. This crown is only worn once – at the time of coronation.
  • Imperial State Crown – This crown is placed on the monarch following the coronation and after the monarch moves from the coronation chair to the enthronement chair. The enthronement chair is where homage is paid to the monarch by the bishops and archbishops. In addition to the crown, the monarch also carries the orb and scepter along with new royal robes. The Imperial State Crown is worn again at the opening of parliament. It symbolizes the sovereignty of the monarch.

Although the information above is only a quick synopsis of the bits and pieces of a British Coronation, it was enough to give me a picture of how to be on the “throne of my life.” It helped me frame in my mind how I can “rule and reign” in my personal life. Let’s face it, if we don’t have control over our own lives, what we say to others about their lives won’t carry much weight. First we do, then we can show others. As you read through the symbolism, Holy Spirit may highlight things that will help you on your journey.

To practice taking authority in our own lives, we must first see that there’s a throne to sit on. Some people envision this throne at the top of a mountain. Mountains are high. The higher we go, the better view we have of everything below. A mature king or queen will sit on a throne and “rule” without freaking out about everything that he/she comes face-to-face with. So, when life’s circumstances present themselves to me, I have a choice to go to that throne of my life and say to the circumstance, “Sorry, today’s not your day to assert authority in my life. Oh wait, no day is good for that. Good bye!” (Sound of spiritual door slamming…)

Here’s where the symbolism of the crown jewels becomes helpful. I’m a visual learner so when I can get a picture of how something might look, it’s easier to “see” it happen in my life. I’m anointed with the authority to be in control of my life. I do that through Christ who is in me. Then, I receive protection, see myself seated “in Christ,” put on the royal robes or righteousness, receive guidance from Holy Spirit, take the “rods” of authority and then put on a crown which solidifies that I can indeed rule and reign over my own life IN Christ. I actually get a picture in my mind of sitting INTO Jesus INTO a throne where I wrap the robes around the two of us. This is daily practice for me.

Here’s the problem… circumstances present themselves. It’s on the throne that we are in that place of rest because we are “in Him.” When we’re in that restful position, we have the assistance of Yahweh, Yeshua, and Holy Spirit. What more authority could there be than that!? So, when a circumstance comes flitting by, I look at it and then make a choice to stay in that position of rest. Well… that’s my goal. If I stare at it too long and then begin to entertain doubtful thoughts, it’s a bit more difficult to stay in that place of rest.

How do I do it? I’ve found that when things come at me that want to pull me off that place of rest, including antics of the enemy, the key is to look at Yahweh. I could care less what the enemy does and generally don’t look at the distractions he puts before me. In his case, ignoring is bliss. Where’s the focus? That focus determines how we stay in that place of rest, on that throne, where life circumstances must come under our feet. No, it’s not always easy but if we can get control of the thoughts that tend to come with hard circumstances, everything else is much easier. I find that praying in tongues and worshiping is very helpful. I don’t dwell on the negative and will often go find something to do that brings me to a place of peace. That will be different for each person. For me, it generally involves worship.

Another major key is practice! PRACTICE!!!! It’s best to practice when things are going well. That way, when the hard stuff is thrown at us, precedence and protocol are set so those situations are a bit easier to deal with. Although I still have a long ways to go, I also take every little victory (no matter how small) and rejoice over it. Growth is growth. I may not always notice a difference but when people around me start saying things like, “Hey! there’s so much peace on you!,” that’s a sign to me there’s growth. I then actually take those compliments to the trading floors and trade for more of Yahweh in my life. I want more of Him. I truly is ALL about relationship. And, going back to Queen Elizabeth, we have the anointing to be on the seat of rest in our lives, just like she was anointed to be Queen of England. That anointing gives us the authority to rule and reign over our lives.

With that, may your journey into the place of authority through your seat of rest be an amazing one!


© Del Hungerford, 2018



seat of authority, seat of rest, seated in Christ, throne of my life

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